Friday 17 August 2012

mini vacation

The mister and I have just returned from a mini vacation 
at Blue Mountain on Georgian Bay here in Ontario.

Despite fickle weather, it was an enjoyable 4 days 
that provided both fun and rejuvenating activities
... as well as some good photo opportunities!

the weather provided a stunning and spectacular mid day storm

by the time we had finished lunch and watched a movie
we were looking at this...

Each day was different
but every one was moody when it came to the weather

Tuesday right up until noon 
it looked like this from our room

A few hours later we were at the top where the fog is so thick
looking down at beautiful Georgian Bay

and by the time we were coming down the sun was out in full force

On Thursday morning, just in time for This and That Thursday,
the sun bathed the pond and dockside in brilliant light 
and waited patiently for the tourists to arrive and enjoy the day's activities

A little cloud cover and the threat of rain
didn't stop me from taking our nephew rock wall climbing ...

and getting some photos for him

... from the bottom when he reached the top...

Nor would the weather stop the mister from taking our nephew 
for some good old fashioned go cart racing!

I have always said that there is no use complaining about the weather...
it won't change a thing
and it could make you miss out on an opportunity to dance in the rain...

... or a fountain!

Utilizing the 'spray and pray' method of photography,
I took almost 1000 photos so there are more to come...
once I have had the chance to sort through them

For now, why not check out the other contributions at:

SkyWatch Friday


  1. Great photos, i love that region, my family has had many summer holidays there. Have a great weekend full of photo opportunities.

  2. Your pics are lovely. Those are some fierce storm clouds but it is amazing how it will change to blue sky.
    It looks like you all had a lot of fun and it seems like a beautiful place to visit. :)

  3. Nice skies ! And I love the picture with the boat : it so colorful...
