Tuesday 24 April 2012

{the golden hour} - 52 Photos yr1/wk52

I joined Bella's 52 Photos Project in its 30th week and tried to catch up with limited success before losing my Dad and falling off the creative wagon for a while . . . so I was thrilled this week to see that she is carrying on with her brilliant challenges, prompts and assignments for another 52 weeks!

Starting fresh and early with the prompt for week 52:  
to capture and share one photo taken during the golden hour.

Driving home from grocery shopping one day I simply had to pull over into the nearest parking lot to capture this moonrise at golden hour

I planned for weeks to be standing on this patio atop Airport Mesa in Sedona AZ for this shot!
I had heard that both sunrise and sunset were gorgeous from this spot and I was not disappointed!

Given my previously revealed attachment to rearview mirror photos -
here is one that actually captured what I was aiming for . . .
the beautiful colours of the golden hour

Much as I love these photos from my archives, going through this process has made me realize 
that the previous post - let there be light - provides a more unique capture of the golden hour.
How snapendipidous that this photo op presented itself during the perfect 52 Photos Project week!

I will definitely be posting this to 52 Photos Project for this prompt!
More Golden Hour photos can be found here on Flickr

So excited about the coming year with everyone!
So appreciative of Bella's efforts to keep us in our creative headspace!

Thanks Bella!!

52 Photos Project

1 comment:

  1. The second photo is my favorite -- the sky is on fire. :)
