Monday 10 September 2012

macro monday 10.09.12

There is a crispness in the air today...
yes it is refreshing after the incredibly dry, hot summer we have had...
but it still makes me sigh that summer is coming to a close.

as long as there are still blooms
I can pretend
can't I? 

Some shots from last week for Lisa's Macro Monday

The Rose of Sharon bushes are still blooming beautifully...

The Water Hyacinths in the pond are happy about this cooler weather 
- they hardly bloomed all summer due to the heat

Rose Mallow is busting out all over our new little meadow...
it is so beautiful so I am hoping it reseeds and returns next year!

Hoping everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Janet xo



  1. The last picture picture is beautiful! I have never seen a water hyacinths look like that -- absolutely gorgeous.

  2. These are beautiful. I plan on planting a Rose of Sharon next spring outside our bedroom window...they are so gorgeous.

  3. Lovely!!! I love the delicacy of the first one...the boldness of the last one!!!

  4. They are all gorgeous, but I particularly like the lines of the Rose Mallow.
