Tuesday 15 May 2012

{where we meet} 52 Photos yr2/wk3

I loved the way Bella worded her prompt over at 52 Photos Project last week. 
It was 'where we meet'...
"...where you gather with your family to eat, to celebrate, or to sit inside of the quiet...
where you gather with your kindreds and loved ones. 
It's the date you never cancel."

Getting time to get this together was a challenge
but getting the photos was a snap!

As it happens, Bella's prompt was posted on my Mother's 85th Birthday
and a week later was Mother's Day!

It is hard to get my entire family into one room so several rooms fill and refill 
in a constantly changing flow...

sometimes according to age

sometimes according to what is happening in the moment 

If the weather is good, as it was for both of these events,
we have a tendency to also spill over into the back yard...

Mother's Day was extra special this year.
It was the first meeting of the Mom's!

The Mister and I are getting married this year
and the mothers decided that they had to meet first
(as if we were 20 something, not 50 something! *lol*)

After the crowds have dispersed, and on most summer evenings,
this is where he and I meet

to unwind,
to talk about our day
to plan our future together

if we are lucky

to enjoy an extra beautiful ending to the day

Thanks for the great prompt Bella!

52 Photos Project


  1. Wow! Wonderful photo story ~ and exciting you are getting married ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  2. What a beautiful family you have Janet, and what a great post this is.
    A very big congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!

    1. Thank you, thank you and thank you Lisa! I'll be sure to post pictures *lol*

  3. What a wonderful & beautiful day for you! Congrats on getting married!!

    1. The weather cooperated beautifully! *lol* and thanks!
