Monday 21 May 2012

giving macro monday a shot...

Another first...

A new (for me) weekly photo gallery, this one hosted by Lisa at Lisa's Chaos, is called Macro Monday!
I love taking close ups...getting right in there and getting the shot
I don't have a macro lens... 
I do want a macro lens...
I am madly saving for a macro lens...
....any tips for purchasing, suggestions for a Nikon D3000 would be greatly appreciated!!

I was so happy to see that I didn't need a macro lens to participate!

This is my offering for this week...


It is the final day of a holiday weekend for me so I am off to enjoy the sun!
I hope everyone's weekend has been as sunny as ours...

Linking to Macro Monday!


Why not hop over to see all the other amazing entries!


  1. lovely. You most definitely don't need a macro lens to take great close up shots... The stem of that dandelion is perfectly crisp. Well done. Blog hopping over from Macro Monday. Thought Id say hi..
    jennie. x

  2. I think these are awesome macros, Janet -- I take alot of mine with my zoom lens (70-300mm) and it works fine.

    1. wow Nancy! I was just thinking of trying my zoom lens because I have been taking them with my regular lens...I will definitely try it now!! Thanks for the tip and your comment!

  3. Great shots without a macro lens!

  4. Beautiful shots, glad you decided to join in macro Monday. Have a great week.

  5. i don't have a macro lens either but i really want one also!! beautiful images, i adore that dandelion!!

  6. I love both of these shots - great work without a macro lens. I do know that the macro lenses are very expensive.

  7. These are wonderful Janet, especially the columbine.
    Such a pretty color.

    On lenses.. it depends on how much you want to spend. I use the Nikon 105mm f/2.8 macro, and it almost never leaves my camera at this time of year. Price is steep at close to $1000, and it is heavy, but this lens is amazing. I recently picked up the Nikon 40mm f/2.8 macro. Price is about $275. I think it is a wonderful lens. It's small, light, and takes some wonderful shots. Downside? It is 40mm, which means you need to be very close to your subject for true 1:1. For flowers, etc. this is fine, but if you want to photograph butterflies, etc., it probably would not work well.

    Have a fantastic day!

  8. I like my Nikon 50/1.4 alot. Gets right in there and has great depth of field capability. also have a nikon 105, 2.8 like lisa's, but, as she said, it is pricey. Great lens though!!

  9. I think you've done an excellent job of macro! Well done! I hope you'll do it again!!

