Sunday 20 May 2012

scavenger hunt sunday 20.5.12

Happy Sunday!

1. Rainbow

 Taken from the back deck on May 14
 . . . last year!
We normally have frequent and beautiful rainbows here but
haven't had the usual storms this year so found one in the archives from this week, last year 

2. Fluffy

Now this is something we have more than enough of this year!
In an effort to preserve the environment,
our government has banned many insecticides and weed killing products over the past few years.
I am not unhappy about this decision but my knees might be!

3. Letters

When I moved into this house 4 years ago
I had this wall painted with blackboard chalk so that my guests could 'sign in'.

I call them 'love letters' from my guests
When it gets full I take a photo and we start again. (with the exception of a few 'keepers')
My 6'5" son signed the top because he felt no one else could sign there without being on tip toe!

4. Metal

Right after I took this photo I knew I had to use it for that quote by Anais Nin!

5. Tree(s)

This tree is to the right of my home and I just peeked out the window at it!
In a very short time this tree has gone from having these bright new spring leaves to the darker green of it's summer frock . . .

It is shaping up to be an absolutely gorgeous holiday weekend!
Traditionally this is the weekend when planting begins (without fear of frost)
 Last year, I received a wonderful gift card for a local greenhouse from my staff when I left!
I am off to the Bradford Greenhouses to see what I can spend it on!

Posting to Scavenger Hunt Sunday


  1. What a neat idea for letters - I love that!

  2. LOVE the letters. I love love the idea of having a chalkboard wall for your guests to sign!

  3. I love all, but mostly I like the composition of metal, good shot. Greetings.

  4. Oh wow...TOTALLY lovin' that blackboard wall! My son is 6'5" too. Comes in handy so often! lol

  5. Oh my goodness, I love all these shots, but especially fluffy! So pretty.

  6. I LOVE your blackboard wall!!! That is brilliant!! I must do this one day. What a fantastic thing!

    Great set this past SH week!

