Thursday 17 May 2012

spring has sprung for this or that thursday 17.5.12

yup...I think spring is finally here in the great white north!

When everyone else was posting lovely photos of lilacs and clematis bursting into bloom 
I was still looking at brown grass and teensy buds and even a few snowflakes...
We had one gorgeous teasing week, that had the flowers and trees all confused
and then it got cold and ugly out there again...

Suddenly, in the past few weeks everything has finally burst out! 
... into brilliant greens and intense colours of spring!
I finally had a chance to get out with my camera and wander the "back forty" over the past few days...

Of course the weeds grow as quickly as the flowers 
but one woman's weeds are another woman's flowers!

The white clematis has grown very tall and is growing along the bridge by the pond. 
I am still waiting for the purple Jack Manji to bloom

...and my bush peonies burst forth in ONE day this week...

and that is what I have been shooting this week

Linking to This or That Thursday, hosted by Deb Duty!


  1. What beauty you have there- love it.

  2. Such gorgeous flowers! Oh and I love Peonies, but they do wilt here in Texas. Beautiful. Also love the name of your blog.... how clever. Will follow you and keep tabs on these lovely photos. Jeanne

    1. I will share my peonies with you if you'll share photos of fields of those beautiful bluebells I have seen there in Texas! *lol*
      Sadly the peonies don't last long here either...

  3. You have some very pretty flowers there - I particularly like your first picture with the wee blue and yellow flowers in amongst the green leaves. Lovely. I've just hit your follow button. :)

    1. Thanks Ellie! Those are Lily of the Valley (white/yellow) and Forget-me-nots (blue - also come in pink) Many consider them weeds because they are pretty invasive plants but I love them for filling empty spots in the garden quickly...and then they keep the other weeds at bay! *lol* Lovely scent from the Lily of the Valley too!

  4. Oh such awesome, colorful and creative photos ~ Wow! ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  5. How pretty. I love the tiny little blue flowers mixed in with the white ones. They look so sweet. That White Clematis is lovely and I like the angle you photographed it from, it really shows of the light and the flower.

    1. Thanks Ida! I too liked the way the sun made the inside of the flower visible as shadows

  6. these are great
    love Lilly of the Valley
    and are those little 'forget-me-not' peeking through?

    1. Thanks Deborah! yes those are 'forget-me-not' peeking through!

  7. Wow, wow, wow....each photo is a stunner. Spring is so inspiring....we're in autumn here (Australia) but the flowers are still opening.

    1. Thank you! are you in a part of Australia that has warm weather year round?
