Friday 6 July 2012

skywatch friday 6.7.12

At this time of year 
I generally enjoy my morning coffee on the back deck...
It has provided me with many awesome sunrises!

But,  I have been hearing from my neighbours
(who know me as "the woman who is always out taking pictures)
that the place to be in the early morning
is the front porch!
I was told that an abundance of wildlife awaits my lens!

Apparently foxes, skunks, groundhogs, chipmunks, raccoons
 and all manner of bird species hang out in front of the house!
Not that long ago there was a bear across the street...
and once,  just before I moved here a few years ago
there were even elephants!!

So today I decided to take my coffee and camera to the front porch!
Alas,  I saw only one skunk who scuttled under a deck 
to escape the attack of an outraged crow!
Well, there were squirrels galore and cardinals
but they were all heading off to their work day in too much of a hurry
and to far away for me to capture them well...

But what I did get...
was an nice shot of the moon 
before the brightness of the sunlight rendered it totally invisible!

Perfect for SkyWatch Friday!

Check out some incredibly amazing sky shots at:

1 comment:

  1. I love it when I go out my back door and see the moon 'setting' and go out my front door and see the sun 'rising'. There is a name for that but I can't think of it at the moment. Nice photo!!!
