Wednesday 4 July 2012

happy bokeh wednesday - an invitation

noun: /bōˈkā/
 a Japanese term for the subjective aesthetic quality of out-of-focus areas of a photographic image
I participate in a great flickr group on Wednesdays...
no blog post is required
you simply post one favourite bokeh photo of the week to the group.

Since it isn't a part of the process, I have never blogged about it
but it occurs to me that maybe others may not be aware of the group
and might like to join in the fun.

So today I am posting my
"Happy Bokeh Wednesday" photo here
as well as a link to the group info page.

These photos are all SOOC and were taken at dusk...

I like the way the first one captures the flowers
but the bokeh isn't as lovely because I used the flash
I like the bokeh better in the second, using the natural light of the setting sun behind it

same story below with these clematis "twirly things"
(can someone tell me the proper name for these delights that the clematis leaves behind?)

The flash photo, above, shows the sheen of the central 'flower'
but I love the golden bokeh in the background 'flowers'
in the second, naturally lit shot

I haven't decided which to post for Happy Bokeh Wednesday
but wanted to extend the invitation to

Please join us at Bokeh Wednesdays

bokeh'd      HBW! 

also posting to:


  1. Janet those are lovely shots and what great bokeh you have captured. Great link and i will check it out.... that elusive and gorgeous bokeh! Also thank you so much for that wonderful comment you made. I am polishing my buttons right now, and it made me feel so good! Thank You!!! Have a great day!

  2. Beautiful bokeh!! Wow! You rocked those shots and them some! Go, Janet!!! :) xo
