Monday 9 July 2012

macro monday 9.7.12 - opinions invited

A few quick pics for today's Macro Monday post!

I took this first one last Monday and was tempted to replace that day's post!
I thought this little explorer on my phlox was kinda cute!

The extremely high temperatures (for our area) combined with the lack of rain 
have been very hard on my clematis this year...
...and that is precisely why we have cameras!
To preserve our flowers and allow us to look at them in the freezing cold of winter
and remember when it was even too hot for the clematis flowers!

A little too late, I heard that they don't like to have cool 'feet'.
I think I need to find a way to protect the roots from the sun and heat!

Okay so I have decided to add a few more...

These pictures, were taken this weekend after we picked up our wedding bands?
who better to get feedback and suggestions for the final cut
than all the amazing photographers at Macro Monday??

Would love your feedback!

There are always amazing shots over at Lisa's Chaos on Macro Monday's
Head over and have a peek and/or post one of your own!


Have a great Monday!


  1. oh, that first photo...*love* the crisp lines of the white petals against the blurred greens. so, so pretty :)

  2. I love your wedding bands. Stunning. In fact next year is our 25th anniversary and we are going to have some old jewlery melted down into bads and have a few stones put into them. They will be very similars but the stones will not be centered they will be on point with the edges. We just haven't decided on which stones yet.

    1. Thank you! Your planned bands sound very nice as well and I love the idea of reusing old jewellery...I love ours very much and the stone settings are the only thing that I might have done differently but because I need a hinged ring channel set stones weren't possible.

  3. i love the white bloom. so pretty. as are the emeralds in your rings. :)

    thanks for stopping by today! friday the 13th be damned! :)

  4. Love your choice of stones, Emeralds are amazing and so are your shots!
