Wednesday 10 October 2012

{Still Life} 52 photos project yr2 wk25

Bella's prompt over at 52 Photos Project this week
is 'still life'

For some reason, in my mind,
the term 'still life' seems to conjure up images of flowers

Textures by Ruth West (Softly & Chapel)

or food

I had some fun
photographing this morning's breakfast...
grilled cheddar and apple sandwich is one of my favourite fall breakfasts!

...and then I wanted to do something a bit different...

It seems to me that my garden gloves and shears are going to be living a 'still life'
for a few months...

Why not pop over to 52 Photos Project and join in the fun?

Janet xo

52 Photos Project


  1. Great images! (That sandwich is making me hungry!)

  2. wonderful {especially that sandwich...yum!}

  3. Wow, when I saw your name I said, oh, another Janet! And when I read your blog name, at first I thought it was Snape-ndipity and I thought...what's the chances?! Then I saw it was Snap-endipity LOL!

    Anyway, I thought of flowers and food as well. That sandwich looks GREAT! I had a lobster grilled cheese was amazing :-)

  4. fantastic still life's!
    Love your gardening tools ...
