Monday, 23 April 2012

let there be light

I loved the photo assignment "When Daylight Fades" over at 52 Photos Project
where Bella asked us to take a few shots as the daylight was fading. 

I became reacquainted and fell madly in love with 'light hunting' during Vivienne McMaster's Rule Free Photography e-course class (and I hope to take her "Light Hunters" course next time it is offered!)

So, you can imagine how thrilled I was 
to catch this lovely reflection on my wall as the daylight faded last evening.

I applied Viv's three second rule here! 
I knew that if I didn't get it quickly it would be gone! 
In doing so, the first shot captured the round shaped reflection of the red vase. 
There was a bonus reflection of the alium in the glass over the turquoise matte on the frame beside it!

 I spent the next three seconds removing the stuff around the vase to get a less cluttered shot. 
The colour and shape of the reflection had already changed and shortly after this shot it was 
completely gone! 

More light hunting shots via the 'let there be light' tab above or at Flickr.


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