Thursday 26 April 2012

{begin at the beginning} - 52 Photos yr2/wk1

Bella’s Prompt: What are you beginning right now?

I am beginning (again!) to break through the fog...
I am beginning to find the pieces of my lost, shattered and abandoned creative self
I am embarking on an adventurous journey to find it through photography and other inspired activities

The weather couldn't have better mirrored my mood that day 
on my trip home from my parent's place after my father's passing.

My father worked in a creative occupation and loved his work
He was a creative man who encouraged creativity in his children
As a child he taught me how to take pictures. 
As an adult he framed and hung my photographs in their home.

On the way home I stepped out of the car to take these photos for him...

I felt embraced by the serenity of the scene in front of me

Every direction I turned the world was awash with the colours of the mist

I was at peace

and in that moment I knew that I have to pursue this

  Losing my father was a reminder to me that life is too short not to spend it doing what you love.

With encouragement from my wonderful partner in crime and in life, 
who had the patience to gather up and hold safe the pieces of my self 
as I strew them around over the past few years,
I recently left my job.
 Not only because it did not satisfy my creative soul 
but because the politics and paperwork sucked every ounce of energy out of me 
leaving me no time to create in my personal life . . .
in fact it left me no personal life at all!

I am committed to getting back to my creative self.

Perhaps, as this project progresses, the story will unfold . . 

52 Photos Project


  1. i'm so sorry to hear about your father's passing but am inspired by your intent to make this a jumping off point for a new and creative journey for yourself. beautiful photos that you took for him. a lovely gesture...

  2. so sad about your dad, i hope your memories of him bring you some comfort. your photo's are soooo pretty, it appears to me that your creative soul has returned.

    your entry is beautiful, i enjoyed reading your "about me" to the left of your blog!!

  3. I am sure your father would love the photos you took for him. Thank you for the reminder that 'life is too short not to spend it doing what you love', I needed that today.

  4. These photos are beautiful. You're right, life is too short not to spend it doing what you love. Wonderful sentiment. Thank you for sharing.

  5. A fellow 52 photo projects participant...So sorry to hear about your father's passing. Your photos are so peaceful. What a great remembrance from that day.

  6. Beautiful photos! And? I am loving your beginning.
    Thank you for linking up this week :)
