Friday, 6 March 2015

Random 5 Friday!

So Happy...
That Nancy, over at A Rural Journal
has begun blogging again!

Also happy
that she has re-instituted her 
Random 5 Friday

Please wander on over and join in...
Random 5 Friday is simply:
"where you share 5 random facts about you, your day, 
your pets, your kids, whatever!"

My Five Random Facts for Friday March 6, 2015


The timing of this renewal of R5F is perfect,
and it was just the push I needed,
to begin to end my own blogging hiatus!
Sometimes, life gets in the way
Sometimes I try to do too much
...and since Nancy was one of the first people 
to leave a comment on my very first blog,
and my first 'follower' on this blog,
what better way to start back into it.
I have missed it...


In November the external drive which held ALL of my photos
decided to stop working....
According to the data recovery company it was a mechanical problem
which had to be fixed before they could recover the data...
it was also the longest data recovery they had ever experienced.
They didn't say if that was because of: 
the total disorganized manner in which files were kept,
the 70,000 photos in addition to other files,
or the mechanical problems
it took over 2 months to complete
and everything was not saved
What was saved was not organized in any way 
and some recovered files were inaccessible

I now have two external drives
and am beginning all over again
Lesson learned!


While all of that was going on
we have been experiencing the 
winter in decades!

I am not a lover of cold weather or snow...
but sometimes you just have to sit back and admire the beauty...

from inside

and from outside


Last fall, I won a photo contest!
This was the winning photo, taken while on our honeymoon in Curacao in 2012

I won a trip to Curacao!
We went for two weeks in January...
Just what the doctor ordered for the winter we have been having!
(Have I mentioned it was the coldest, snowiest, longest winter in decades?)
Included in the prize, among other things, was a painting class
with a local artist and I had a ball!


I love to garden!
Last summer we put up a greenhouse
I can hardly wait to get in there and start puttering
...but it is covered in snow

(Have I mentioned it was the longest, snowiest, coldest winter in decades?)

I want winter to be over so I can get in there!

In the mean time I guess I will have to settle for store bought signs of spring

 They (whoever 'they' are) 
are calling for above zero temperatures this weekend!
I feel that it is my right, as a Canadian, to complain about winter weather
but I promise you will never hear me complain about heat in the summer
I also promise there will be no more cold, long, snowy winter complaints next week

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

Big hugs and an extra Thank You to Nancy 
for returning to blogland
for Random 5 Friday and
for being YOU!



  1. oh wow, congrats on winning the trip, how awesome! and that photo is win worthy for sure!

  2. Kudos on the win... I never win anything! Thanks for joining in this week. Xo

  3. HI Janet, Your landscape looks similar to mine (even the indoor tulips). Your winning photo is awesome - winning the trip is pretty nice, too. I had hard drive problems but luckily saved most photos and documents on the external and on a cloud storage. I feel for you!

  4. I will complain about heat in the summer for you! So much snow! It is pretty. Great photo -- it should have won a prize! Happy Friday!

  5. Wow how exciting to win a trip. Your winning photo was awesome. Yep, I bet you are tired of the snow. I'm not a winter person either but we've had a mild winter (with no snow) so I'm not complaining. Ouch on the computer issues. I need to get my files backed up properly. Good to see you blogging again as well as Nancy.

  6. I can see why your photo won a contest. It really is exceptional.
