Friday 28 February 2014

Random Five and Friday Finds 28.2.14

Happy Friday!!

Jumping right in to Random Five Friday...


The SUN is seriously shining today! 
This has been the most brutal winter here and that I can recall
in my 60+ years on this planet!
Frequent waves of temperatures in the -30 Celcius range
- they call it a Polar Vortex
More snow than I have seen since I lived in ‘the snow belt’
with drifts taller than me
- okay so I am a bit short (5’4”) but not THAT short…

I am happy to see the sun making shadows!
(I think it has been a darker winter too!)
But I need more….which leads me to..


I am packing for a tropical destination vacation!!
Not going for a while yet
but it makes me feel warmer just pulling out the summer clothes!
We couldn’t get what we were looking for
(it is called ‘you snooze, you lose’ for waiting too long)
at our much loved Curacao
so we are heading to Barbados for the first time…
I am soooo looking forward to it!


This week while going through boxes in the basement to get ready for renos,
I found some of my childhood books that my father had given me years ago…
I am not sure why I had separated them, at the time,
from Winnie the Pooh and Ferdinand the Bull
which have always resided on my shelf...
but they are together now

but now that Dad is gone
it was very moving to have found the inscription in this particular one…
my Great Grandfather was also like a father to my Dad
as my Grandmother was a single mother
from the time my father was four years old...


Kitchen Report….
still thrilled with my CSA bins…
today I am making maple glazed carrots and pork chops,
roasted garlic and creamy smashed baked potatoes
with double cheddar bread..
oh yeah…


20 more sleeps until the official first day of spring and I have flowers!!!
 Okay…so they are INSIDE…but just seeing these pretty pink blooms
has lifted my spirits and renewed my hope and faith
that the universe will unfold as it should…

Wishing everyone a wonderful (& warm) weekend and a good week ahead!

Please pop over to A Rural Journal
and see what Random Five things others have to share!!

...and don’t miss all the fabulous finds at Kim’s Friday Finds

 Thank You, to both of these wonderful women
for their time and for providing the space
for all the wonderful sharing that goes on...


    Kim Klassen dot Com


  1. Lovely that you can dream of your getaway while the snow is still on the ground! Great bit of spring color in your plant - surely it will come again soon!

  2. Oh Barbados sounds great, and such cheery flowers...

  3. i can do 20 - i think? wow, that might be a long 20 days. but i think i can, i think i can. right??! ( :

  4. Have a wonderful time in the Caribbean, I've thought about Barbados, Bonaire and St. Lucia...not sure which, if any. Love the flowers and yes, they count!

  5. So jealous about your trip -- enjoy! Thanks so much for joining in this week Janet! Happy weekend to you. xo

  6. I love reading the inscriptions in old books, a lost art these days. Looking forward to seeing your photos when you so go on your trip. Think I will head out to Home depot today for pretty blooms!
