Tuesday 12 November 2013

Artists in Blogland

I recently discovered this little gem!
A beautiful space called
Artists in Blogland

They appear to have a number of fun looking memes
or challenges, the current one being a scavenger hunt!
I do love me a scavenger hunt!
This month's theme is


when I went to get my camera off the shelf and to hunt for some numbers,
lo and behold
there they were right in front of me!!
 … all lined up waiting to have their picture taken!

When I uploaded them to the computer, 
Lightroom added a few more numbers just for good measure!!

Why not hop over to Artists in Blogland right now?
The art work isn't limited to photography…
it can be painting, art journal pages, and other media forms
they have some amazing & beautiful pieces posted there!!

I just love new discoveries!
Have a great evening, all!


Check it out!
BWS tips button


  1. Thanks for sharing this Janet! I will definitely check this out right now! Like your little line of lenses!, and that is a great camera on the right. Love it!

    1. I think you'll really enjoy it Jeanne! ..and thanks! It was my father's, as was the Brownie at the other end and another one not in this shot…

  2. I love your photographs. Thanks for visiting and leaving a great comment on papertripp.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks, Fran! I quite enjoyed my trip through your blog and will definitely be making a return visit!
