Thursday 14 June 2012

negative space - photo art friday

I have just been the victim of multiple cortisone injections 
so need to stay off the computer for a few days...
I already had this ready for Photo Art Friday so putting it up here 
(with a little help from the mister)

I posted this photo a while back for Skywatch Friday
but have added one of Bonnie's lovely textures this time

This was the original photo SOOC

using the linear burn blending mode at 100%
I removed the texture over the rocky outcrop 
with a soft brush in normal blending mode at 29%

and I liked the way it allowed me to imagine what the Canyon would look like at night
so I deemed it to be finished (for now)


Photo Art Friday


  1. Striking sillouette of this bird in the sky!

  2. Oh, my - this is gorgeous! The texture creates such a dramatic effect.

  3. Wonderful. It does look like a night sky with the texture.
    So sorry to hear about the Cortisone shots - Hope you feel better soon.

  4. the processing is beautiful!

  5. Ooooh la la. C'est magnifique! Love the night sky you created with the texture. Thank you for sharing with Photo Art Friday, Janet. Hope your ailment heals soon.

  6. Beautiful the processing you did.

    Capture Life,

  7. I adore how you've applied Bonnie's texture. It's perfect!
